The schooling competition at ranch horse events separates riders into Novice Amateur, Intermediate Amateur, Limited Amateur, Amateur, Open, Youth Novice, Youth Intermediate, Youth Limited and Youth Advanced Divisions. All Youth and Amateur divisions are based on each horse/rider team's skill level, and points/scores earned in two previous competitions. If not riding in Limited Amateur or Youth Limited, the horse/rider teams will be placed in the division that is within the point range of his/her prior scores/points. The Open Division is open to any horse, any rider, and any breed.
Novice Amateur:
Horse/Rider Team with an average score of 220 or less.
Intermediate Amateur:
Horse/Rider Team with an average score of 220 to 250.
Limited Amateur:
Any Amateur horse/rider team is eligible. This is an elected division not a point-based division.
Horse/Rider Team with advanced riding skills and an average score of greater than 250.
Horse/Rider Team with an average score of 220 or less.
Intermediate Amateur:
Horse/Rider Team with an average score of 220 to 250.
Limited Amateur:
Any Amateur horse/rider team is eligible. This is an elected division not a point-based division.
Horse/Rider Team with advanced riding skills and an average score of greater than 250.
Youth Novice:
Horse/Rider Team with an average score of 220 or less.
Youth Intermediate:
Horse/Rider Team with an average score of 220 to 250.
Youth Limited:
Any Amateur horse/rider team is eligible. This is an elected division not a point-based division.
Youth Advanced:
Horse/Rider Team with advanced riding skills and an average score of greater than 250.
Horse/Rider Team with an average score of 220 or less.
Youth Intermediate:
Horse/Rider Team with an average score of 220 to 250.
Youth Limited:
Any Amateur horse/rider team is eligible. This is an elected division not a point-based division.
Youth Advanced:
Horse/Rider Team with advanced riding skills and an average score of greater than 250.
Any horse, any rider, any breed. This is a division for Open Riders (those receiving remuneration for training, teaching, etc.), as well as any Amateur riders who wish to participate.
Any horse, any rider, any breed. This is a division for Open Riders (those receiving remuneration for training, teaching, etc.), as well as any Amateur riders who wish to participate that have NEVER been down the fence in a working cow class with any organization.
Any horse, any rider, any breed. This is a division for Open Riders (those receiving remuneration for training, teaching, etc.), as well as any Amateur riders who wish to participate.
Any horse, any rider, any breed. This is a division for Open Riders (those receiving remuneration for training, teaching, etc.), as well as any Amateur riders who wish to participate that have NEVER been down the fence in a working cow class with any organization.
1. Attending an Event Clinic:
a. At clinics having a Schooling Competition, prior to beginning clinic instruction, first time participants or new horse/rider teams will be identified to the clinicians.
b. After observation during the clinic, the clinician will specify the most appropriate division (Novice Amateur, Intermediate Amateur or Amateur/Youth Novice, Youth Intermediate, or Youth Advanced) for the horse/rider team’s division assignment for their first two Schooling Competitions (can be in multiple Award Years) in which the horse/rider team participates.
c. Clinicians will place participants whom they judge cannot go down the fence or rope/circle safely in the Novice Amateur, Intermediate Amateur, Youth Novice or Youth Intermediate Division.
2. No Event Clinic Attended:
a. Should a first-time participant or new horse/rider team not attend the clinic prior to the Schooling Competition, he or she will be assigned to the Amateur or Youth Advanced Division or may elect to enter the Limited Amateur Division and be eligible for Placement Points and awards and NVRHA Champion Points. During the Schooling Competition the Judge will whistle the rider off the cow should any unsafe situation be observed.
b. Should the rider not attend the clinic prior to his or her second competition, he or she must remain in the Amateur or Youth Advanced Division or the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division.
c. If a clinic is attended prior to the second competition, the clinician will place the horse/rider team in the appropriate division.
3. After the first two competitions have been completed, the average score will establish the permanent division assignment for the remaining event year. In division placement, safety will always be a first consideration.
4. Initial Division placement will be based on scores from only performance classes (Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail, Working Ranch Horse, and Ranch Cutting). Riders must compete in all four performance classes to have a qualifying score for Initial Division assignment.
Initial placement criteria are as follows:
Novice Division ~ Less than or equal to 220
Intermediate Division ~ Between 220 and 250
Amateur Division ~ Greater than 250
Youth Novice ~ Less than or equal to 220
Intermediate Division ~ Between 220 and 250
Youth Advanced ~ Greater than 250
5. All Placement Points earned in the temporary evaluation process during the first two division placement competitions will transfer to the permanent division assigned ONLY if they are earned in that division.
a. Example: If you compete in the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division at your first two events and your permanent division assignment is the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division, your points earned in your first two competitions will count towards Year End Awards.
b. If, however, you compete in the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division at your first two events and your permanent division assignment is the Amateur Division or Youth Advanced, your points earned in your first two competitions (in the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division) will be recalculated by the national office – placement points will be adjusted (up or down) based upon where you would have placed in your chosen Division (Intermediate/Limited/Amateur – Youth Intermediate/Limited/ Youth Advanced) had you ridden in that division at your first and/or second events. These recalculated points will transfer to your permanent Division. No placement points will be adjusted for any other participants in that event.
a. At clinics having a Schooling Competition, prior to beginning clinic instruction, first time participants or new horse/rider teams will be identified to the clinicians.
b. After observation during the clinic, the clinician will specify the most appropriate division (Novice Amateur, Intermediate Amateur or Amateur/Youth Novice, Youth Intermediate, or Youth Advanced) for the horse/rider team’s division assignment for their first two Schooling Competitions (can be in multiple Award Years) in which the horse/rider team participates.
c. Clinicians will place participants whom they judge cannot go down the fence or rope/circle safely in the Novice Amateur, Intermediate Amateur, Youth Novice or Youth Intermediate Division.
2. No Event Clinic Attended:
a. Should a first-time participant or new horse/rider team not attend the clinic prior to the Schooling Competition, he or she will be assigned to the Amateur or Youth Advanced Division or may elect to enter the Limited Amateur Division and be eligible for Placement Points and awards and NVRHA Champion Points. During the Schooling Competition the Judge will whistle the rider off the cow should any unsafe situation be observed.
b. Should the rider not attend the clinic prior to his or her second competition, he or she must remain in the Amateur or Youth Advanced Division or the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division.
c. If a clinic is attended prior to the second competition, the clinician will place the horse/rider team in the appropriate division.
3. After the first two competitions have been completed, the average score will establish the permanent division assignment for the remaining event year. In division placement, safety will always be a first consideration.
4. Initial Division placement will be based on scores from only performance classes (Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail, Working Ranch Horse, and Ranch Cutting). Riders must compete in all four performance classes to have a qualifying score for Initial Division assignment.
Initial placement criteria are as follows:
Novice Division ~ Less than or equal to 220
Intermediate Division ~ Between 220 and 250
Amateur Division ~ Greater than 250
Youth Novice ~ Less than or equal to 220
Intermediate Division ~ Between 220 and 250
Youth Advanced ~ Greater than 250
5. All Placement Points earned in the temporary evaluation process during the first two division placement competitions will transfer to the permanent division assigned ONLY if they are earned in that division.
a. Example: If you compete in the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division at your first two events and your permanent division assignment is the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division, your points earned in your first two competitions will count towards Year End Awards.
b. If, however, you compete in the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division at your first two events and your permanent division assignment is the Amateur Division or Youth Advanced, your points earned in your first two competitions (in the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division) will be recalculated by the national office – placement points will be adjusted (up or down) based upon where you would have placed in your chosen Division (Intermediate/Limited/Amateur – Youth Intermediate/Limited/ Youth Advanced) had you ridden in that division at your first and/or second events. These recalculated points will transfer to your permanent Division. No placement points will be adjusted for any other participants in that event.
Division placement will be based on scores from only performance classes (Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail, Working Ranch Horse, and Ranch Cutting). Riders must compete in all four performance classes to have a qualifying score for division assignment.
Placement criteria are as follows:
1. Novice to Intermediate and Youth Novice to Youth Intermediate Division. Once a horse/rider team in the Novice Amateur Division or Youth Novice has an average score at the end of the year of greater than 220, they will be elevated to the Intermediate Division or Youth Intermediate at the beginning of the next award year (beginning the Monday following the National Finals). To advance from the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division into the Intermediate or Youth Intermediate Division, the horse/rider team scores greater than 220-point average in the 4 performance classes only or wins the Year-End Novice Amateur or Year-End Youth Novice Division, or places first in the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division at the National Championship.
2. Intermediate to Amateur and Youth Intermediate to Youth Advanced Division. Once a horse/rider team in the Intermediate Amateur Division or Youth Intermediate has an average score at the end of the year of greater than 250, they will be elevated to the Amateur Division or Youth Advanced at the beginning of the next award year (beginning the Monday following the National Finals). To advance from the Intermediate Amateur or Youth Intermediate Division into the Amateur or Youth Advanced Division, the horse/rider team scores greater than 250-point average in the 4 performance classes only or wins the Year-End Intermediate Amateur or Year-End Youth Intermediate Division, or places first in the Intermediate Amateur or Youth Intermediate Division at the National Championship.
3. Intermediate or Youth Intermediate to Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division. A novice horse/rider team scoring out of the Intermediate Amateur or Youth Novice Division may choose to enter the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division instead of advancing to Amateur or Advanced.
4. Division Assignment. A member may voluntarily move to a higher division by notifying the NVRHA office in writing, or the event manager at a specific event. Show results submitted to the NVRHA that show a horse/rider team in a higher division is considered official notification of advancement to the higher division. Once the horse/rider team voluntarily moves to the higher division, they must remain in that division for the remainder of the award year. Placement points earned in multiple divisions during the award year will remain in the division in which they were earned. Once a horse/rider team moves up from Novice or Intermediate to Amateur or Advanced, they may not move back. They may, however, elect to ride in the Limited Division.
5. Division Placement Member Responsibility. It is the Member's responsibility to know his or her correct division assignment as assigned by NVRHA and exhibit in the correct division.
Placement criteria are as follows:
1. Novice to Intermediate and Youth Novice to Youth Intermediate Division. Once a horse/rider team in the Novice Amateur Division or Youth Novice has an average score at the end of the year of greater than 220, they will be elevated to the Intermediate Division or Youth Intermediate at the beginning of the next award year (beginning the Monday following the National Finals). To advance from the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division into the Intermediate or Youth Intermediate Division, the horse/rider team scores greater than 220-point average in the 4 performance classes only or wins the Year-End Novice Amateur or Year-End Youth Novice Division, or places first in the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division at the National Championship.
2. Intermediate to Amateur and Youth Intermediate to Youth Advanced Division. Once a horse/rider team in the Intermediate Amateur Division or Youth Intermediate has an average score at the end of the year of greater than 250, they will be elevated to the Amateur Division or Youth Advanced at the beginning of the next award year (beginning the Monday following the National Finals). To advance from the Intermediate Amateur or Youth Intermediate Division into the Amateur or Youth Advanced Division, the horse/rider team scores greater than 250-point average in the 4 performance classes only or wins the Year-End Intermediate Amateur or Year-End Youth Intermediate Division, or places first in the Intermediate Amateur or Youth Intermediate Division at the National Championship.
3. Intermediate or Youth Intermediate to Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division. A novice horse/rider team scoring out of the Intermediate Amateur or Youth Novice Division may choose to enter the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division instead of advancing to Amateur or Advanced.
4. Division Assignment. A member may voluntarily move to a higher division by notifying the NVRHA office in writing, or the event manager at a specific event. Show results submitted to the NVRHA that show a horse/rider team in a higher division is considered official notification of advancement to the higher division. Once the horse/rider team voluntarily moves to the higher division, they must remain in that division for the remainder of the award year. Placement points earned in multiple divisions during the award year will remain in the division in which they were earned. Once a horse/rider team moves up from Novice or Intermediate to Amateur or Advanced, they may not move back. They may, however, elect to ride in the Limited Division.
5. Division Placement Member Responsibility. It is the Member's responsibility to know his or her correct division assignment as assigned by NVRHA and exhibit in the correct division.
1. Moving INTO the Limited Amateur Division:
a. Inclusion in the Limited Amateur Division is open to any amateur horse/rider team. This is a self-elected division, and no participant will be placed in the Limited or Youth Limited Division by either show management or clinician/judge.
b. The normal progression will be from Novice to Intermediate to Amateur or Youth Advanced, but any current horse/rider teams may opt to go to the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division by submitting a statement in writing to the NVRHA office prior to competing in their first event as a Limited Amateur or Youth Limited.
c. The Novice (Youth Novice), Intermediate (Youth Intermediate) or Amateur (Youth Advanced) can elect to shift in or out of the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division once in an Event/Season Year. The rider/participant must notify the NVRHA office, in writing, prior to their first event participation in the new division. In addition, the rider/participant must notify the Event Manager at the event of the division change or no Points will be awarded. Points will remain in the division the participant earned them prior to the division change and after.
2. Moving OUT OF the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division:
a. A rider/horse team may stay in the Limited Amateur Division indefinitely and will not score out regardless of what their end of the year average score may be. Youth Limited may stay in until aged out.
b. If a horse/rider team has moved down to the Limited Division from Amateur Division or Youth Advanced and chooses to leave the Limited Division – they will return to the Amateur Division or Youth Advanced.
c. If a horse/rider team has moved up to the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division from the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division or opted directly into the Limited Amateur or Limited Youth Division – they will move to the Amateur or Youth Advanced Division when electing to leave Limited. No Limited Amateur or Youth Limited horse/rider team will be allowed to move to the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division.
d. The purpose of this Division is 1) to provide a place for the continued education and skill development of the Novice Rider or Youth Novice who has scored out of Novice; 2) to provide a box-only forum for any rider wanting to participate in the NVRHA without jeopardizing standing in another organization that does not allow fence work; and 3) to provide a box only division for those riders experiencing life events necessitating changes to their riding activities (age, illness, etc.).
e. The Limited Amateur and Youth Limited Division will include all elements of the Novice Amateur Division with the addition of a Double-Boxing procedure during the Working Ranch Horse class. The contestant will box the cow at the top end of the arena, proceed to drive the cow to the other end of the arena and demonstrate boxing again. Contestants will have 1½ minutes to accomplish this with a 45 second warning for time remaining. There will be no fence work or roping/circling.
a. Inclusion in the Limited Amateur Division is open to any amateur horse/rider team. This is a self-elected division, and no participant will be placed in the Limited or Youth Limited Division by either show management or clinician/judge.
b. The normal progression will be from Novice to Intermediate to Amateur or Youth Advanced, but any current horse/rider teams may opt to go to the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division by submitting a statement in writing to the NVRHA office prior to competing in their first event as a Limited Amateur or Youth Limited.
c. The Novice (Youth Novice), Intermediate (Youth Intermediate) or Amateur (Youth Advanced) can elect to shift in or out of the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division once in an Event/Season Year. The rider/participant must notify the NVRHA office, in writing, prior to their first event participation in the new division. In addition, the rider/participant must notify the Event Manager at the event of the division change or no Points will be awarded. Points will remain in the division the participant earned them prior to the division change and after.
2. Moving OUT OF the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division:
a. A rider/horse team may stay in the Limited Amateur Division indefinitely and will not score out regardless of what their end of the year average score may be. Youth Limited may stay in until aged out.
b. If a horse/rider team has moved down to the Limited Division from Amateur Division or Youth Advanced and chooses to leave the Limited Division – they will return to the Amateur Division or Youth Advanced.
c. If a horse/rider team has moved up to the Limited Amateur or Youth Limited Division from the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division or opted directly into the Limited Amateur or Limited Youth Division – they will move to the Amateur or Youth Advanced Division when electing to leave Limited. No Limited Amateur or Youth Limited horse/rider team will be allowed to move to the Novice Amateur or Youth Novice Division.
d. The purpose of this Division is 1) to provide a place for the continued education and skill development of the Novice Rider or Youth Novice who has scored out of Novice; 2) to provide a box-only forum for any rider wanting to participate in the NVRHA without jeopardizing standing in another organization that does not allow fence work; and 3) to provide a box only division for those riders experiencing life events necessitating changes to their riding activities (age, illness, etc.).
e. The Limited Amateur and Youth Limited Division will include all elements of the Novice Amateur Division with the addition of a Double-Boxing procedure during the Working Ranch Horse class. The contestant will box the cow at the top end of the arena, proceed to drive the cow to the other end of the arena and demonstrate boxing again. Contestants will have 1½ minutes to accomplish this with a 45 second warning for time remaining. There will be no fence work or roping/circling.
The Open Division was created for any rider (amateur or professional) to exhibit any horse regardless of ownership.
1. Class Description Classes will be the same as those offered in the Amateur Division: Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail, Working Ranch Horse, Ranch Cutting, and Ranch Conformation.
2. A la Carte Class Entry a. A participant may compete in one or more performance classes.
b. Entry and participation in any performance class will constitute an automatic entry into Ranch Conformation; however, actual participation is optional.
3. Rules and Regulations
a. Rules for the individual Open Division classes will be the same as for the Amateur Division with the exception of the Conformation class.
b. The Open class is available to Professionals, all Amateurs, and others who wish to participate.
c. An Amateur rider entering both the Amateur Division and the Open Division must make two runs – one in each Division. The exception to this is a crossover fee offered to amateurs who enter the World’s Greatest Ranch Horse Competition at the National Finals event.
d. No horse may be exhibited in the Open Division by both an Amateur and Open rider in the same class in a single NVRHA event. However, a horse may be exhibited by different riders in different classes.
e. If held on the same day, all Amateur Division runs in any given class must be completed before Open runs commence.
f. Neither Placement nor Championship Points will be recorded in the NVRHA office without current NVRHA membership on file for both the Owner and Rider of the horse, and a Horse Identification Number.
g. Open riders who do not wish to accumulate NVRHA points, need not become members unless affiliate insurance policies require membership.
4. Open Division Execution
a. The intent of the Open Division is to offer a platform for the true professional rider to exhibit a horse, and also to allow the amateur rider to gain more practice experience in any of the versatility classes. Because of its ‘A La Carte’ option, this Division is seen as an ideal place to introduce a young horse to ranch horse class skills.
b. If an Event were expected to have large Amateur participation levels at which the incorporation of the Open Division would present a detrimental impact on the Amateurs, Open classes may not be offered.
c. Whenever an Open Division is included at an Event, all four classes and Ranch Conformation must be offered.
d. A Special Open Event, at which only the Open Classes are offered, may be held only with approval of the Board of Directors. Request must be presented in writing to the NVRHA with a full description of the proposed event. At the Special Open Event, Event Managers may have competition within classes such as youth, rookies, seniors, etc., to promote participation and enhance enjoyment of the event.
1. Class Description Classes will be the same as those offered in the Amateur Division: Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail, Working Ranch Horse, Ranch Cutting, and Ranch Conformation.
2. A la Carte Class Entry a. A participant may compete in one or more performance classes.
b. Entry and participation in any performance class will constitute an automatic entry into Ranch Conformation; however, actual participation is optional.
3. Rules and Regulations
a. Rules for the individual Open Division classes will be the same as for the Amateur Division with the exception of the Conformation class.
b. The Open class is available to Professionals, all Amateurs, and others who wish to participate.
c. An Amateur rider entering both the Amateur Division and the Open Division must make two runs – one in each Division. The exception to this is a crossover fee offered to amateurs who enter the World’s Greatest Ranch Horse Competition at the National Finals event.
d. No horse may be exhibited in the Open Division by both an Amateur and Open rider in the same class in a single NVRHA event. However, a horse may be exhibited by different riders in different classes.
e. If held on the same day, all Amateur Division runs in any given class must be completed before Open runs commence.
f. Neither Placement nor Championship Points will be recorded in the NVRHA office without current NVRHA membership on file for both the Owner and Rider of the horse, and a Horse Identification Number.
g. Open riders who do not wish to accumulate NVRHA points, need not become members unless affiliate insurance policies require membership.
4. Open Division Execution
a. The intent of the Open Division is to offer a platform for the true professional rider to exhibit a horse, and also to allow the amateur rider to gain more practice experience in any of the versatility classes. Because of its ‘A La Carte’ option, this Division is seen as an ideal place to introduce a young horse to ranch horse class skills.
b. If an Event were expected to have large Amateur participation levels at which the incorporation of the Open Division would present a detrimental impact on the Amateurs, Open classes may not be offered.
c. Whenever an Open Division is included at an Event, all four classes and Ranch Conformation must be offered.
d. A Special Open Event, at which only the Open Classes are offered, may be held only with approval of the Board of Directors. Request must be presented in writing to the NVRHA with a full description of the proposed event. At the Special Open Event, Event Managers may have competition within classes such as youth, rookies, seniors, etc., to promote participation and enhance enjoyment of the event.